Friday, September 13, 2013

Let Me Be Brief and Make Just a List

Good things that happened in the past two days:

      1)      Once she heard that I was moving to Peru for two years, the woman sitting next to me on the plane from Houston to Lima offered me her phone number and told me to call her if I ever needed anything.

      2)      I’ve learned new words, like:
a.       Chicha morada—a juice made out of purple corn
b.      Betarraga—beet
c.       Vuelto—change (money)
d.      Provecho—the Peruvian phrase said to someone before they begin eating.  A Peruvian Bon Appetit, if you will.

      3)      The shower I took at the retreat we stayed at for the past two nights was perfect.  Not too cold, not too hot, and maintained by the first twist of the shower knob. 

      4)      Ashley, another Health Volunteer, led Erika, Rebby, and me in yoga under the Peruvian moon.  Instead of dwelling and worrying ourselves sick about tomorrow (when we meet our host families), we concentrated on our own energy, on the gratitude we have for being in such a beautiful country, and on our own strength and excitement for what is to come.

       5)      The Health staff introduced themselves to us with their names and talents.  Such talents included baking Peruvian desserts, with samples to try, and dancing—traditional Peruvian dancing, Peruvian salsa dancing, and dancing to the canciones de Cajamarca.  Sounds like I will be dancing.

       6)      I am here.  Safe, sound, and mindful.  

       "I exist as I am, that is enough
       If no other in the world be aware I sit content
       And if each and all be aware I sit content."

                 --From "Song of Myself," by Walt Whitman

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