Saturday, November 23, 2013

Yesterday I swore in

This is going to be short and sweet.  Yesterday I sworn in as a Peace Corps Volunteer at the Ambassador's Residence in Lima.  Speeches were made, photos were taken, food was eaten, shoulders were burned.  Celebrations included eating sandwiches, watching Catching Fire, getting Papa John's delivered, and tomar-ing some Gato.

Near midnight, my eyes started to the follow the shoreline of the Pacific to the north and I realized that if I followed it long enough, if my eyes were strong enough, I would see the Oregon Coast.  That's how close, that's how near, I am to home physically and in my heart.  I share the same coastline.

And last night, I really wished that Mara was still alive so that I could have texted her and told her that I was in Peru, that I had joined the Peace Corps, that I loved her with all my heart.

Next I'll be in the mountains of Peru.  Follow the selfsame coastline and I'll see you there.


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