Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tuesday is the big day!

On Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013, I, Kassel Galaty, will at long last know where exactly in the grand ole country of Peru I will be living for the next two years.  [comma count: 5]

There is chisme (gossip) galore about who's going where.  Technically there are 24 possible sites I could be sent to--4 in Cajamarca, 3 in Amazonas, 3 in Huancavelica, 3 in Lambayeque, 6 in Ancash, and 5 in Piura--all of which I technically have an equal chance of going to.

But let's be real.  I got some thoughts on the matter.  I've got a sneaking (really desperate, please god let it be so) suspicion that I will be placed in the highlands where it is cold-er.  The health program seems to have more people who want hot coastal sites, so I can't see why they would waste a perfectly good coastal site on me.

There are three departments with highland sites--Cajamarca, Ancash, and Huancavelica.  I had the pleasure of visiting Cajarmarca back in September.  The trip took a solid 22 hours of in bus/car/combi transport but it brought about views such as these:

Now before my most recent trip to Huancavelica I had a feeling that I was going to be placed in this department.  After all,
1) They sent me there once already.  Why would they send me there if I wasn't supposed to fall in love with it and want to live there forever?!?!?! *
2) In an interview when I mentioned how much I liked the mountains, you know like in Cajarmarca or Ancash, the staff member interviewing me was like, "Yeah, Cajarmarca is really pretty."  Why would she have repeated Cajarmarca to me if it meant nothing?!
3) One of the PCVs I met in Cajamarca friended me.  Why would she friend me unless I was going to be living near her very soon?!?!

*In the main capital city of Cajarmarca they closed off the main square so that there could be a two-day-long international painting competition.  Priorities in the right place.  Here are some pictures of the paintings and painters:

So obviously it looked like I was going Cajarmarca.  My above logic is clearly flawless. But then came Huancavelica.

The whole health program went to Huancavelica for field-based training, so there was nothing telling about the fact that I was there--everyone else was too.  But this trip was just a week ago, during prime site speculation angst.  Volunteers were asking prying questions, staff members were dropping hints that they had no evidence to back up with, and it was an all-around intense situation.  By the end of the trip I had a certain gut feeling that I was going to be sent to Huancavelica.  After all,

1) One of the staff members said, "This is where I would send you."  Why would she say that if she didn't think that?!
2) When we were visiting one of the sites where the volunteer was going to be replaced, one of the mother's became suddenly available for a house visit, and it was decided that I would go to it, even though I wasn't the person closest to the door. Why would I go on the one-on-one house visit if this wasn't going to be my future site?!?!
3) Everyone, and I mean everyone, said that they thought it would be my site. Why would they say that unless it was a universal gut feeling?!?! *

*Answer: Because it seems like a pretty tough site and I think no one else really wants it

So for the next couple of days I processed the possible reality of me living here:

Those are genuine Peruvian alpaca.

Perhaps this was my future.  I worked to accept it.  And, come Tuesday, should it be my future, I will accept it.  I mean, are you looking at the same alpacas and sunsets as I am/was?  

But there is a little bit of me that can't shake the dream that I will in Ancash.  Ancash, a mere six-eight hours north of Lima.  Ancash, with the capital city of Huaras, also known as an awesome place to be (according to wikipedia and everyone I've ever talked to about it).  Ancash with mountains like these:

Didn't take these pictures, but wouldn't it awesome if one day I was in the place where I could?!?!

So there you have it folks.  The thoughts that have been consuming my mind for the past couple of weeks.  Site, site, site. Check back in on Tuesday, in a mere two days, to see if my predictions have come true or if I have been reading WAY too much into every inconsequential gesture I see. 


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