Well guys, I finally did it.
After climbing up my mountain (see the last blog post) a shower was
deemed necessary by all parties (aka me).
I come home ready to strip immediately and simply throw
myself into the shower only to find the bathroom….occupied. By someone in the shower. After nearly a month of wondering if the
shower was even used, the one time I am in a desperate need to shower, it’s
taken. What?!
I pace in my room a bit, wishing desperately to be free of
my own sweat. I’ll skip over the (seemingly)
endless waiting and get to the important part—glacially cold water bursting
from the showerhead. Easily the shortest
shower of my life. I resolved to wimp up
and go for a heated bucket shower the next time round.
Heated bucket showers are the best thing in the world. For a few brief minutes you entire body is
warm, free of the rain, wind, and cold that tends to plague the elements as
soon as I decide to shower.
Moral of the story: I
will probably not go 12 days without showering again.
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