Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Coming Home After the Pasos Conference (July 5th, 2014)

Back in early June I took three kids from Huantar to Huaraz for a Pasos Adelante Conference.  The conference was overall a success, but why would I write about the super successful parts of the conference?  Far better to entertain with the story of how we got back.

1)      Did the bus leave on time? Of course not.  No, the bus arrived an hour late, after I had already dragged the kids from their lunch, forcing them to eat the end-of-the-conference cake as they briskly walked.
2)      Did we make good time after starting an hour later than we were supposed to? Of course not.  We obviously stopped in every single town to pick and/or drop people off and dillydallied there for ungodly amounts of time.
3)      Did the bus in fact arrive at our destination?  Of course not.  The bus stopped one town away from ours, and stalled for a good twenty minutes.  At which point, the bus engine went silent, the bus lights went off, and we told to get off until a van could be found to carry us all to our next stop.
4)      Did the van they summoned have enough space for everyone?  Of course not.  Nothing like having a van made to seat fifteen comfortably, eighteen in a pinch, being crammed with twenty-seven people and all of their luggage.  I was mildly concerned about getting enough air.
5)      Was the car to drive us up to Huantar waiting in Succha like it was supposed?  Of course not.  Despite me calling the driver an hour earlier and him assuring me that we would be waiting for us, the was no car in sight. So I was stuck with three kids at the bottom of the hill at eight pm, with no cell service and no car.
6)      Did the car eventually come, did we all make it up the hill without dying, did we make it back safely?  Of course.


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