Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Health Post Activities…from March 2014

Just to keep you belatedly updated here are some of the activities I’ve been doing with my health post.

The health post tried to represent during Día de la Mujer (March 8th, International Women’s Day) but they were mildly outshone by the health post from Chucos.  Please note the placement of the letters on the banner (my work) and also note the facial expressions—Peruvians, as a rule, don’t smile in pictures.  Only way you could tell that I’m not Peruvian.

Every month at the very least the health post has a parade through town to promote awareness about some issue or another.  They take about three grades out of school from the primaria in order to have them shout out phrases. I have certain opinions on the effectiveness and usefulness of these activities that I will keep to myself.  This month it was vaccines.  Note once again the placement of the letters on the banner (once again my work).  One day I’ll take a picture of a banner not designed by me so that you can fully appreciate the spacing of the letters.

Every month, the health post staff is required to do sesiones demostrativas in the caserios of Huantar.  The actually utility of these sessions is debatable, but excitingly, this time one of the dads participated.  This never happens.  I think it was due in large part to the fact that the male doctor was participating and he peer pressured the fathers pretty hard until one of them joined in.


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