Saturday, February 15, 2014


Things I have learned from my host family:

 1)      If you take a cold shower when you’re really hot and sweaty, you will probably die.
 2)      If you take a shower (warm or cold) after eating a meal, you will probably die.  My host mother heard from this one guy that he knew this old guy who died after he showered right after lunch.
 3)      If your ears are hot, that means that someone is insulting you.  You must pinch your ear very hard, at which point the insulter will bite their tongue (literal translation, not sure if it’s meant literally).
 4)      If a snake crosses your path, you have to kill it or else someone in your family will die. (This does not apply if it is slithering along next to you—so no worries Galaty clan, my one snake encounter will not result in any of your deaths.)

Having only showered three times in site, I am sure that future showerings will bring new rules.  I’ll keep you updated.


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