Wednesday, April 16, 2014

And They’re Off Said the Monkey as He Stuck His Toes in the Lawnmower*

This April 9th, 2014, I’m off on a much-anticipated vacation.  I get to see my older sister, brother-in-law, and niece in the thus far unexplored country of Colombia.  I’ll be out of site for about two weeks thanks to the fortuitous placement of the Peruvian holiday of Semana Santa (thank you early church authorities for deciding the crucifixion of Christ coincided with spring fertility ceremonies), and at some point I hope to eat a dozen doughnuts on the beach. 

As the head of my health post said, “Provecho,” and I need no further blessing.


Last time I left site for a significant period of time, people assumed I had just disappeared, possibly via kidnapping, despite me telling them all I was going to a training and would be back in a week.  This is my attempt to stop that from happening again.  You're looking at my front door:

*A frequently uttered phrase of my childhood.  

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