Thursday, April 10, 2014

You've Got Mail (March 15th, 2014)

All right, not to brag guys (actually I’m totally bragging and I’m cool with it because I’m bragging about what great friends and family I’ve got.  I’m bragging about you!), but I’ve got a pretty sweet P.O. Box situation going on.  Meaning that when I go to it, I’ve usually got something waiting for me. Like this weekend for instance, I had this:

The wealth of long underwear and candy was spread amongst all and I just gotta give my Aunt Judy a shout out, because I basically felt like Christmas had come early.

And a shout out to everyone else who sends me letters and care packages.  It really, really makes my day, and I hope you all know how much I love and appreciate you for your support.

Enough of all this sappy stuff.  Here are pictures of Nicoll and me goofing around.


Nicoll trying on my Barefoot-toed shoes.  Big hit.  Biiig hit.

Holding a itty bitty puppy

Making faces for the camera

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