Wednesday, April 16, 2014

No, I don’t have any new games (or candies)

Well, I’m old news.  For the past three months or so, several of the boys in town have been coming to my room in the afternoons to play games on my laptop, cut out snowflakes, play cards, and, at the end, have an American candy.  For the last two weeks or so, every visit is marked by the following questions, repeated over and over:

·         Do you know any new card games?
·         You still don’t have any new computer games?
·         Do you have any new candies?

Such is life that what was new, exciting, and utterly undreamt of mere months ago is now old news, taken for granted, and unstimulating. 

And unfortunately for the town children I fear the answer will for a long while remain,

“No, I don’t have any new games (or candies).”


Taking selfies

Playing on my computer

How my wall is decorated these days

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